Too nonsensical for its own good. Should've spent your time making something with a bit more appeal, I believe.
Too nonsensical for its own good. Should've spent your time making something with a bit more appeal, I believe.
nuh uh
The style's nice, and seeing kobolds from you is always a pleasure.
Thank you! :)
Utterly horrific... I love it!
thank you so much n-n
Don't much get why you'd do this for the one character but at least the drawing's well done.
It was just fun to do, i like making backgrounds and all that jazz
Badass in every way. I miss those DMC games on the PS2 very much.
Thank you! hey the games are still there yearning for you to play! I play them yearly
As cute as this is, this would've been a whole lot cuter if you didn't give it such a vulgar and immature title. You've got to title your stuff in a way that it'll resonate with people and give people a feel for the work. And THAT isn't going to do either of those things.
Sounds like you haven't had enough lube to drink, my friend.
It's a bit lackluster considering his eyes and tail are the only things you bothered animating.
I'd love to b able to animate more of him but I'm already a really busy person since I just started my freshman year of college I'm sorry :(
Can't wait for the third one.
seems hyper promising
Goodness! I didn't expect much when I saw the thumbnail, but it looks like I've come across yet another wonderful pixel artist.
Joined on 11/3/24