Very, very well done~ You're quite the master at this sort of thing, as this is a beautiful rendition of the Mario art style. And the composition is quite wholesome, indeed, seeing Mario and both his friends and foes eating together.
Very, very well done~ You're quite the master at this sort of thing, as this is a beautiful rendition of the Mario art style. And the composition is quite wholesome, indeed, seeing Mario and both his friends and foes eating together.
Pretty nice art style, this.
Not to ruin the joke of this, but warheads wouldn't explode from just falling over like that.
My Christmas is ruined
Awesome pixel art. Really cute how the fire he's "breathing" is a cardboard cutout on a rope.
Your line art is way too faint. It's nice, but it's barely visible sometimes.
I can't wait to see what Cassandra's all about in Friday Night Funkin'.
A nice homage indeed. And a Merry X-mas to you, too.
Some cute stuff right there. I like the little bit of perspective play.
Not bad, but, once again, I feel like the art would be better if you had put more time into it.
Your pixel art isn't bad, but you should've put a lot more time into it, as it looks quite underdone.
i dont really like this one either lol. the pose in this ones really weak and awkward here, thought about redrawing it at some point
Joined on 11/3/24