The color scheme's much too garish, and she isn't even thick!
The color scheme's much too garish, and she isn't even thick!
Utterly horrific... I love it!
thank you so much n-n
This could've been a whole lot better, I think.
Don't much get why you'd do this for the one character but at least the drawing's well done.
It was just fun to do, i like making backgrounds and all that jazz
Pretty good. Can't remember the last time I played this wacky fighting game that's somehow connected to Galaxy Fight.
His moustache coupled with the color of his clothes reminds me of Waluigi.
Your art style definitely fits with this one. He's looking as cute and as scary at the same time as ever!
The style's quite good and it takes be back quite a bit to watching this short animation for the first time. Well done!
Very badass and well crafted.
The appeal of your style aside, you definitely should've accepted a different kind of commission, for this is just too silly for its own good.
Joined on 11/3/24